There are several cafeterias to pay attention while you choose a theme. I’d like to concern to one of them today. I think most of you check seller rating on Ebay when purchasing goods or any services sites. With theme the same, high rating and quantity of users rated for theme say not only of quality of theme but also author’s asset to keep own theme reputation. This mean along with desired theme you buy quality support.
Our Mentas theme stayed pure 5.0 rated more than 14 month, until someone gave 4 star without a reason. But even so, 4 star means good. It require dedicated asset to custom support to get such high score for a long time period. For us customer satisfaction is first priority, and we spend most of our valuable time on that.
There many other authors on Themeforest who keep their high level rating. I advice to purchase theme from them. Because paying $30-$60 to theme is just small piece of your work, if you are going to build long live site, so you need reliable author who will continuously update their theme and provide excellent support in case you would need urgent help.
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